- Official Post
- Fixed pet icons of Mini Alzanor, Mini Valehir and Mini Asgobas.
- Fixed icon of Lightning Power (Level 5).
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't wear C15 Equipments.
- Fixed an issue where Name of God (S) debuff had wrong buff in visual.
- Fixed an issue where Cold Desert Stew buff weren't working.
- Updated icon of Little Rainbow Spirit (A4 Coupon).
- Updated icon of Little Rainbow Spirit (Star).
- Updated buff icons of PvP Potion, Double Drop, Premium A4, PvP, Gold, Raid and Carve Foods.
- Updated item icons of PvP Potion, Double Drop, Premium A4, PvP, Gold, Raid and Carve Foods.
- Separated Betting, Carve, Perfection and Wings Coupon NPC's, each will have own NPC from now on.
- Added Phantom's Amulet into Perfection Coupon NPC.
- Added Stone Coupon NPC in Alveus.
- Added Mini Pet 'Lucky Blue Dragon' in Mini Pet Coupon NPC.
- Added Steampunk and Tree Wings in Wings Coupon NPC.
- Added another NPC in Ore Hub where you can exchange 20x Ore's.
- Re-designed icons of Badge Collectors. You will now have 4 with PvP for each class, 2 with raid, 2 with with shadow/light, fire/water and 2 with just normal.
- Removed Costume shop 1, 2 and 3 and added all crafts into fashion shop.
- Removed Quest Monsters Map.
- Removed Wheel Coupons Area from NosVille.
Added Alveus Portal;
- Added/Moved Act4, Act 4 Coupon 2, Dailies Act4, Fairies, Useful Stuff, Fairies, Mini Pet Coupon, Wheel Coupons, Exchange Stuff, Monthly Reward, Books, Perfection Exchange [All], Perfection Exchange [1-4] and [5-8] (also fused both into one map), Badge Room, Marriage Box, Specialist 2-4 NPC to Alveus.
Additionally added one more betting and alchemist NPC's in Alveus.