- Official Post
- Fixed an issue where selling multiple items with the 'Covered in Gold' title wouldn't check the 2b gold limit
- Fixed an issue where Group Healing skill had wrong cooldown visually.
- Updated monsters of ''(Magician God Quest) Kill demons in Prestige 4 area'' quest.
- Updated icons of sky, lava, dino and ice Raid Boxes.
- Updated [Guide] God Buffs Book descriptions.
- Increased the maximum raid members in all the raids from 15 to 20. (It'll be displayed as 15 when you list the raid.)
- You can now trade Increase Tattoo Preset Slot and Increase Preset Slot items.
- Removed Holy Light requirement when crafting C60 Equipments.
- Attack Range of following skills are changed to targetable : Whirlwind, Earth Shock, Big Swing, Frenzied Attack, Split Tornado, Cyclone, Dragon Spear, Restart, Bomb, Storm Slash, Elemental Leech, Ultimate Cannon, Lava Swamp, Volcanic Gas, Earthquake, Ash Storm, Requiem, Ghost Invasion and Glacier.
We have received lots of feedback on location update bugs etc, so we figured on improoving your experience with selfcast skills to make them use on an enemy with a low cast range so it still matches your own range but with certain hits in 1v1โs for example, making those specialists much more viable. same with the wildkeeper or dark gunner debuffs, for raids you can now cast em in the area around your target making it always hit without using unstuck first. Please give us feedback on these changes so we can include other specialist cards too with selfcast skills.
Prestige Changes
- Decreased re-spawn times of monsters in Prestige 2, 30-55H Map.
- Increased hero exp gain in Prestige 2, 30-55H Map.
- Reduced amount of Gold Coins when crafting C50 Equipments from 50 to 20.
- Added new Mini Pet 'Lucky Blue Dragon' (EXP) in C50 Equipments craft NPC.
- Magic Undead Dragon from Land of Living will now drop Dragon Leather and Dratanium with 30% chance, 10x per drop.