- Official Post
- Fixed an issue where you would get wrong Worldboss material from Volcano World Boss.
- You can now exchange 1x Worldboss' Crown and 1x Worldboss Claw for 1x Worldboss' Spirit at Port Alveus, World Boss Guardian NPC.
- Replaced Twister Yertirand quest with Fernon from Alaric NPC.
- Buffed HP of Act 4 World Boss.
- Made Daily Quest Reward II tradeable.
- Updated icons of God Buffs.
- Target Skills form recent patches have been adjusted. They will now be casted from max range and remain targeted skills. The First patch was indeed needed and we are aware it might caused trouble, but that's needed to target healthier changes. Those Attacks now always hit in PVP and in PVE aswell (unless they are dodged or absorbed), and we solved the issue that might caused delay for people with sometimes ping issues or server lag.
SP1 Warrior
Earth Shock
SP4 Berserker
Split Torando
Big Swing
Frenzied Attack
SP6 Battle Monk
Dragon Spear
SP2 Assassin
Storm Slash
SP4 Wildkeeper
Elemental Leech
SP5 Firecannoneer
Ultimate Cannon
SP3 Ice Mage
SP4 Dark Gunner
Ghost Invasion
SP5 Vulcano
Volcanic Gas
Lava Swamp
Ash Storm
Prestige 6 Timespaces, Evolves, Pve, Raid, Pvp, Star, Permanent Gemstones
With this patch we welcome new Content for prestige 6. You asked for it: Usage for Chaos boxes other than c80 equip and so on. It's been heard and dealt with for 1-2 Months now. With the new Timespaces you can choose which biome you want to claim for yourself and evolve your Biome Mask and Helmet from that specific Area. But be aware this is not some easy to do content only, since the monsters will deal damage to you if you aren't equipped properly. Our small tip if you lack damage is to maybe run the Sky timespace first to boost your PVE Damage.
Evolves on C80 Mask and Helmets
Ice Helmet Evolve:
20% Raiddamage.
10 Fairy Element.
Ice Mask Evolve:
5% Double Box.
All attacks are increased by 50 in Raids.
Dino Helmet Evolve:
All defences are increased by 5%.
All element resistance is increased by 15.
Dino Mask Evolve:
All defence powers are increased by 40.
Reduces incoming Magic Damage by 3%.
Lava Helmet Evolve:
Increases PVP Attack Power by
All Element energies are increased by 20.
Lava Mask Evolve:
All attacks are increased by 30.
Damage of critical hits is increased by 5%
Sky Helmet Evolve:
Increases Gold earned by 5%
Damage in PVE is increased by 10%
Sky Mask Evolve:
There is a 3% chance that the picked up gold will be doubled
Monster loot doubled
Star Helmet Evolve:
Chance of getting Materials refunded if upgrading Stars fail 2%
Star Mask Evolve:
Chance of getting Materials refunded if upgrading Stars fail 2%
With the new Timespaces you also have the choice of choosing your permanent Elemental Gemstone you want for your Specialist. Giving a "small Buff" to the previous gemstones, but instead of being RNG, it's being permanent. They will not visually update if you rightclick your SP-Card yet so no need to report that. They behave like regular gemstones otherwise, they dissapear after using a cardholder on the SP-Card. The Dragon dealing damage will still have same values on triggering and dealing damage.