- Official Post
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't buff yourself in the Arena of Talents.
- Fixed an issue in the Infinity Tower where you couldn't crit.
- Fixed an issue where Survival Instinct (+7) was displayed incorrectly visually.
- Fixed an issue where having '' . '' in player nick name would lead to client disconnect.
- Removed Halloween decorations.
- Removed Gold Medal requirements for crafting C70 Accessories.
- Removed Monarch's Costume Wings (3 days) from the game and from the Prestige 2 Reward Box.
- Extended the duration of the Monarch Costume Set (Limited) from 3 to 7 days.
- Changed the displayed color of the text for PvE and PvP sum information when perfing SPs to red.
- Changed icon of Pure Beast Raid Seal.
- Added the Raid Seal Hunter NPC in NosVille, where you can buy Easy Quest Boxes, Medium Quest Boxes, Hard Quest Boxes, and Extreme Quest Boxes for Raid Seals.
- Added 80 Level Martial Artist Equipments in Starter Pack NPC.
- Added the Reindeer Costume Set as a reward for reaching Prestige 6.
- Added AoE attacks to the Assassin auto attack.
- Added ''?'' button to the Raid Damage Summary window, which provides a list of factors that are counted and not counted in your damage.
- Added a button to clear raid records from the Raid Damage Summary without the need to re-log.
- Removed one of Fafnir's Raid Boxes from Useful Stuff NPC since having the same boxes twice was causing a bug.