- Official Post
- Fixed an issue where the Requiem Debuff had the wrong type of elemental reduction buff.
- Fixed an issue where the Arena of Talent game would get stuck when someone leaves.
- Updated the icon of the Gold Potion.
- Added auto-attacks to the Ninja Base.
- Added ''Increases the equpped fairy's element by 5'' to the Distorted Biome Gloves & Shoes.
- Changed "All element energies are increased by 250" to "All element energies are increased by 500" on Distorted Biome Gloves & Shoes.
- Made Prestige 5 Raid Boxes droppable.
- Removed Broken Key, Upgrade Stone, Grail's Pattern and Soul of Innocence materials when crafting Badge Collector Colour Changer.
- Increased the amount of Raid Tickets from 100x to 250x when crafting Badge Collector Colour Changer.
- Increased the amount of Badge Collector Colour Changer from 1x to 2x when crafting.
- You can no longer surrender alone in a 2v2 fight in Rainbow Battle; both players need to surrender.
- You can now buy buffs from TimeSpace NPC's.
- You will no longer receive family XP in your family when you reach level 20. However, that won't affect FXP Rankings; you'll still get family XP there.
- Adjusted all Attack and Defence levels of monsters in Biome TimeSpaces since some of them were not intended.
Benefit from the Void Battle Pass Now !
Enjoy many benefits and secure additional rewards with our new Battle Pass ! The current Battle Pass season runs from 13 December to 11 January.
What is Battle Pass?
With Battle Pass, you complete daily, weekly and seasonal challenges that earn you Battle Points. You can collect rewards for the points you earn. And everyone can benefit: Battle Pass activities and rewards are free for all players!
Free Rewards : - Increase Tattoo Preset Slot
- Zephyr Wings
- [Free] Scroll, Potion and Curse Boxes
- Attack, Energy and Defence 2 Potions
- Food Box
- and many more...
- How About the Premium Expansion?
If you decide to purchase the Premium Battle Pass, you can look forward to more and higher-value rewards. This feature is perfect for you if you want to get the most from the Battle Pass activities! Having Premium Battle Pass doesn't mean losing free Battle Pass rewards ! You can get rewards from both free and premium pass, enjoy the rewards.
The Premium Battle Pass of the current season costs 900 NosVoid Coins. You can buy Premium Battle Pass from our Item Shop! (Click here to go Item Shop)
Premium Rewards : - Mini pet Coupon
- Mini Valehir
- Betting Coupon
- Retro Wings Box
- Attack, Defence and Energy 2 Potions
- Rewards with more amounts compared to free Battle Pass
- and many more...
- Premium Battle Pass Coin :
You can now buy Premium Battle Pass Coins from our Item Shop for 120 coins. Buy Premium Battle Pass Coins
Premium Battle Pass Coin will increase your Battle Pass points by 50 more!
- Important informations :
- You can't pick premium rewards when you don't have Premium Bass. But you can get both free and premium rewards when you have access to the Premium Pass.
- Rewards from Battle Pass will be sent to the inventory, be sure that you have free slot for your rewards.
- You have to click on Claim after you are done with your task to receive your Battle Pass point.
- You can follow your Battle Pass points from the bar we have for BP.
- You have to claim points from quests as soon as you finish the quests, otherwise you won't be able to claim points when quests expire. (Ex. daily tasks.)
- Premium Battle Pass is assigned to the account, not the character. (If you change character, you will have same amount of rewards to get, quest, same progress...)