- Official Post
- Fixed an issue where Peony Wings were displayed as Horse in the Wings Swapper window.
- Fixed an issue where Sky Biome Hopping Jelly, Sky Biome Moth, and Diosaur Biome Dark Dragon Harpy monsters had the wrong element.
- Fixed an issue where using Angler SP in raids could teleport all raid members to NosVille using the teleport skill.
- Added new accessories to the Prestige 1 Rewards NPC.
- Added hero message whenever someone registers for 1v1 Ranked.
- Updated the description of Blazing Fire Wingss.
- Updated the description of Skin Potion.
- Updated the wording of the ''Melee/Ranged/Magic damage is decreased by x%'' BCard to include ''Incoming.''
- Reduced damage and def from Ghost-In-Love by a lot.
Dino Helmet Evolve Change:
From All defences are increased by 5% to All defences are increased by 7%
From All elemental resistance is increased by 15 to All defence powers are increased by 30
Dino Mask Evolve Change:
Added effect "Damage from critical hits is reduced by 5%"
Lava Helmet Evolve Change:
From All Element energies are increased by 20 to All attacks are increased by 20
PvP Changes
Tropy Exchanger NPC
- Added Lava and Dinosaur Evolve.
- Added a cost of 15 Rainbow Battle Trophies for crafting Knight Mask and Knight Helmet.
- Added Dander and Shadow Inferno for 10 1v1 Trophy, 15 Rainbow Battle Trophy and 15 Color PvP Trophy.
- Added RBB Fighter's Box for 30x Rainbow Battle Trophy.
- Increased amount of Rarify and Upgrade items to 15.
- Replaced Golden Eagle Wings (Limited) with the regular one.
- Replaced Random Amulet Box (1x Amulet) with the Random Amulet Box (Raid Quest).
- Reduced cost from 15x 1v1, Coor PvP and RBB Trophies to the 6x 1v1, Coor PvP and RBB Trophies when crafting Onyx Wings.
- Reduced amounts of 1v1 Trophies from 25 to 15 when crafting Knight Mask and Knight Helmet.
Fighter's Box:
- Increased Raid amulet box from 2 to 15
- Perfection from 5 to 50
- Perfection bag from 3 to 40
- Jewels bag from 3 to 40
- Rich Energy Perfection bag 2 to 40
- Holy light 1 to 2
- Blood-Red Ruby 1 to 2.
Rainbow Battle
- Reduced movement speed cap to the 18.
- Rainbow Battle Buffs from related items have been deactivated.
- Players can request a refund within 30 days after the patch (starting from 19/02/2025) via the ticket system.
- Removed Colorful Despair, Overclocked Steampunk Weapon Skin Chest, Change Skin 8, Remastered Rainbow Pegasus, Rainbow Pegasus, Rainbow God, Shiny Rainbow Gauntlets and Boots from Rainbow Battle Craft.
- Fixed an issue where players could swap wings in Caligor using the Wings Swapper feature.
- Pets/Partners of other players are no longer visible, only the player's own are shown.
- Cellon Eraser can now be used on Act 4 Accessories. The [Exchange] Vessel Accessories NPC has been removed.