- Official Post
- Removed Pyjama Specialist Card (Event) from inventories.
- Fixed the Christmas World Boss shout still being showed.
- Fixed a bug where having different symbols on character nick would cause bug on the raid list.
Demon Hunter Specialist Changes
Changes aren't changed in the visual.
Devil Shot:
Removed "Gunshot Wound" 1%
Bullet Storm:
Ranged attack increased from 300 to 170
Gunshot Wound from 3% to 7%
Gunshot Wound debuff:
Movement Speed is decreased by 4 > 2
Dmg from critical hits is increased by 50% > 15%
(Duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds)
Throwing Blade:
There's a 70% > 100% chance of causing Moon Shadow Pendulum
30% > 50% chance of causing "Break Defensive Weapon"
Changed "Break Defensive Weapon" into "Wounded Leg"
Wounded Leg:
Movement speed is decreased by 50% > 30%
(Duration from 10 to 5 seconds)
Vengeful Spirit Rain:
Blackout from 30% to 80%
Vengeful Spirit Onslaught:
Changed "Deadly Blackout" to "Plague" and from 30% to 50%
(Plague: From 30 seconds to 20 seconds duration)
Strong Berserk Spirit:
All attacks are increased by 18% > 20%
Damage from critical hits is increased by 20% > 10%
Removed Movement speed is increased by 1
Shadow Element is increased by 297 (Player *3) to (Player *5)
Spirit Summon:
There's a 30% > 70% chance of causing Hand of Death
Hand of Death:
Ranged Damage is increased by 50% > 15%
(Duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds)
Spirit Explosion:
Removed "There's a 30% chance of causing Paralysis"
Added ''Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 60%''
Strong Possession:
Removed Overall Attack Power is decreased by 10%
Every 2 seconds MP reduced by 1584 (Player Level *16) > (Palyer Level *32)
Soul Sword:
There's a 70% > 80% chance of causing Despair
Duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds