- Added '' Delete Your Reputation 2 '' in Reputation Shop. (You can delete 50k Rep)
- Added Perfection tab to the Specialist 2-4 NPC.
- Moved '' Raid Area '' from second to first window on the Warp Window.
- Disabled logins via old launcher and NosVoid.exe. You can only login with new launcher.
- Removed '' Kill Reward : Shiny Hat '' Box from Act4 Kill Rewards. (We forgot to remove earlier)
- Fixed an issue, where you would see ''test'' instead of the Zenas on quests.
- Fixed an issue, where Bear Spirit had '' %s%% '' bug in visual.
- Fixed an issue, where Ancient Dragon Runestone had no icon.
Specialist Changes Renegade
Light & Shadow
- Attack Range increased from 1 to 2.
Posts by Nayla
Hello folks!
We will have maintenance at 12th of June.
ETA between 1 - 3 hours.
When exactly?
Monday, June 12th at 11:00 PM Server Time.
Maintenance Reason
- Bug Fixes & Changes -
- Added 15K limit to Reflection Power, you can't reflect more than 15k.
- Disabled Warp Window in raids.
- Fixed an issue, where applying tattoo would give you ''none'' message even tho your slot is empty.
- Fixed an issue, where debuffs from Prestige 9 Weapon Skins wasn't working properly.
- Fixed an issue, where your client would crash after trying to apply Paimon Tattoo.
- Fixed an issue, where you couldn't see the fish you caught in the encyclopaedia.
- Fixed an issue, where Ranger were ignoring the dodge.
- Fixed an issue, where emotes were bugging. -
Hello folks!
We will have maintenance at 5th of June.
When exactly?
Monday, June 5th at 11:00 PM Server Time.
Maintenance Reason
- Bug fixes
- Removing Sealed Vessel Event (its materials will be deleted as well) -
- Added description to Change Tattoo item.
- Added Information dialog to Land of Living NPC.
- Added new map called '' Cooking Area '' (Moved Cooking NPC's there)
- Removed SP2-4 farming maps, added a new NPC instead.
- Fixed an issue, where Police Costume Set & Korean Cat Hat were showing that MA can't wear it in visual.
Cooking Specialist Changes
Secret Spice
Reduced cooltime of buff from 190 sec to 100 sec
Healthy Eating
Reduced cooltime of buff from 200 sec to 100 sec
Sharpen Knife
Reduced cooltime of buff from 200 sec to 100 sec
Changed duration of buff from 30 sec to 100 sec
Cooking Preparation
Reduced cooltime of buff from 180 sec to 100 sec
Changed duration of buff from 180 sec to 100 sec -
- You can now trade Phantom's Amulet.
- You can now trade Blacksmith's Medal.
- You can now put Fafnir Teeth in NosBazaar.
- Replaced Angry Santa with Angry Magic Ice Dragon on the Act4 World Boss Shout.
- Added new portal in Citadel which will teleport straight to the Bitoren Tundra.
- Fixed an issue, where Hellord PvP skin debuffs (curses) wasn't working properly.
- Fixed an issue, where Crossbow Curse, Dagger Curse and Gun Curse wasn't working properly.
- Removed language options from channel section.
- Added Warp Window in the game. -
- Concentration in wands now grants a chance to deal double damage to all monsters. (Please give us feedback about that update)
- You will now need to be Prestige , 99+70 to join Rainbow Battle.
- Reduced amount of mini bosses in Prestige 8.2 World Boss by 1.
- Removed Vessel materials from inventory. (From previous event)
- Added Partner Bead into Alchemist.Fixes
- Fixed an issue, where Change Gun Curse, Dagger Curse, Crossbow Curse were showing as negative effect.
- Implemented a fix to avoid disconnections after completing raids too fast. (We will have to test)
- Fixed an issue, where Specialist Potion buff wasn't working properly.
- Fixed an issue, where Reflection Power wasn't working properly.
- Fixed an issue, where it had wrong materials to craft Head Gear.
- Fixed an issue, where Black Hand Daily Quest had visual issue.
- Fixed an issue, where God of Magician had wrong type of buff in visual.
Specialist Changes
Waterfall Berserker
Waterfall Frenzy
Movement speed is increased by 2 > 1.
Meele Attacks are increased by 15% > 12%.
Removed healing.
Blue Mage
Frozen Shield (skill)
Changed Cool Time to 15 seconds.
Frozen Shield (buff)
Changed duration to 4 seconds. -
- Caligor will now stay open until he has been defeated.
- You'll now lose HP if you try to join enemy base in Caligor.
- You'll now get teleported randomly to around caligor after dying. (You won't be respawned in base.)
Specialist Changes
Hawk Eye (Not updated visually)
- Removed '' Hit Rate of all attacks increased by 750 ''
- Added '' There is a 80% chance that every attack hits '' -
- Added new button (under AddOldTeamButton) to buy buffs. (Same buffs as buff NPCs, just quick access via button.)
- Changed duration of buffs from buff NPC/Button to 15 minutes. (Price also decreased to 12,5kk.)
- You can now join limited raids even when you already join 5 times. But remember, you won't get rewards after 5 times.
- You can now buy 9999x items from shops. (Price can't be higher than 2b)
- Caligor will now stay open until he has been defeated.
- Added zoom in Prestige 8.2 World Boss Map.
- Buffed HP of Prestige 4 World Boss by a bit.
- Added Rainbow Battle Stats in character info.
- Fixed an issue, where NosMate summoning were bugged and it could summon wrong pet/partner.
- Fixed an issue, where Lightning Shield were inflicting on attack instead of the defence.
- Fixed an issue, where buttons would appear during changing channel or logging in.
- Fixed an issue, where Daily Rainbow Battle Quest were showing as AoT in visual.
- Fixed an issue, where Fernon Would jump out of bounds sometimes.
- Fixed an issue, where you couldn't trade Silver & Golden Carrots.
P.S : Some of mentioned fixes were available before maintenance.
Waterfall Berserker Changes
Rune Power of Water
- Restores 20% > 10% of HP lost
Energy of Pure Water
- Duration increased to 5 minutes.
Title Changes
Monster Hunter Title
- Increased Damage in PvE By 30% > 25%
- Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 20 > 10.
King/Queen of Raids Title
- Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10 > 12.
Monthly Caligor Rewards
- [REMOVED] Aegir, Freya & Barni Specialist Partner Cards.
- [ADDED] Baby Panda
Removed following materials from inventories :
- Caligor's Necklace
- Conqueror's Flag
- Butcher's Soul-Spirit
- Broken Caligor's Horn -
- Duration of following buffs changed to 300 seconds : Eagle Eye, Armour of Darkness, Demonic Powers, Turbo Leader, Explosive Enhancement, Weapon Defence, Prayer of Offence, Prayer of Deffence, Engorgement, Infinite Armour, Ignition & Reignition.
- Duration of Iron Skin buff changed to 180 seconds.
- Added $Warp Easter command.
- Added Wing of Return, Wing of Return (Desert/Volcano) & Amulet of Return to Alchemist.
- Increased movement speed of monsters from Prestige 8.2 Farming Maps.
- Removed mini boss rooms from Paimon Raid, buffed HP by a bit.
- Updated descriptions of Easter Materials.
- Fixed an issue, where Bear Spirit had '' Defence level is decreased by 1 '' in visual.
- Fixed an issue, where Grasslin Fairy and Golden Mushroom pets had no buffs.
- Fixed an issue, where Wolf Power (level 2) had wrong duration in visual.
New Lightning Wings
P.S : It's a buff not debuff, so it'll appear on yourself instead of opponent. -
Hello folks!
We will have a maintenance at 1st of May.
When exactly?
Monday, May 1st at 10:00 AM server time.
ETA around 1-3 hours.
Maintenance Reason
- Resetting a4, raid & rbb rankings
- Easter & overall fixes -
- Removed channel information from speakers. It'll still stay as global without channel information.
- You can now sell Dragon Crystal Weapon/Secondary/Armour/Equipment in NosBazaar.
- It will now teleport every members when someone goes through the next raid portal.
- Sold Bazaar items will go to first page instead of the last.
- Fixed an issue, where Battle Monk buffs had wrong durations. (All set to 600 seconds now)
- Fixed an issue, where some family missions wasn't working. (Example RBB, Color PvP...)
- Fixed an issue, where your message could bugged when you speaker any item with text.
Easter Event
- Easterย Event is released.Specialist Changes
Death Reaper
Death Approaches :
- Cool Time 12 seconds to 16 seconds
Spirit Catcher :
- Removed Paralysis
- Added "Weaken Defence power" with 50% chance
Spirit Absorption :
- Every 2 seconds:Restores X (Player Level*10)HP to (Player level*7)HP
Spiritual Release :
- Duration from 90 seconds to 15 seconds
- Reduces cooldown of skills by 20% > 50%
Spirit Splitter :
- Melee attack is increased by 950 > 1200Rune Changes
Works properly and fixed wrong types in visual.
Lightning Power:
Movement speed is decreased by 4
Reduces enemy HP by 3000 every 2 seconds
Light resistance is decreased by 10.
(Duration 2 seconds)
Level 3 to 4 :
Movement speed is decreased by 4
Reduces enemy HP by 3000 every 2 seconds
Light resistance is decreased by 15.
(Duration 3 seconds)
Level 5 :
Movement speed is decreased by 4
Reduces enemy HP by 4000 every 2 seconds
All elemental resistances are decreased by 20.
Light resistance is decreased by 30.
(Duration 4 seconds)
Level 6 :
Movement speed is decreased by 4
Reduces enemy HP by 5000 every 2 seconds
All elemental resistances are decreased by 30.
Light resistance is decreased by 40.
(Duration 5 seconds) -
Carve Event
Increases the chance of success when upgrading runes by 35%. -
Tattoo Event
Increases the chance of success when upgrading tattoos by 30%.PS: Fame Event will last 24h longer.
- Changed Dragon Health & Mana Potions from 50% to 30%.
- Changed cool-down of Dragon Health & Mana Potions from 10 to 12 seconds for arena.
- Removed April-fool specialist icons.
- Fixed an issue, where you could see Wooden Stick instead of the item you're looking for on the NosBazaar.
- Fixed an issue, where you sometimes couldn't get notification from events. -
- Removed Fire Dragon Energy from Centaur's Exchanger NPC.
- Added Jewels Bag into Centaur's Exchanger NPC.
- Added Perfection Bag into Centaur's Exchanger NPC.
- Fixed an issue, where Robber Mask had ''Damage to all monsters is increased'' instead of the ''Damage in PvE is increased.''
- Fixed an issue, where Bear Spirit buff had Snake's Bite debuff
Specialist Changes
ย Battle Monk
Spirit of Enlightenment
- Hit rate of melee attacks is increased by X(Player Level*2) > X(Player Level*3).
- Increases PvP attack power by 9% > 5%
- Reduces damage received in PvP by 9% > 5%
Spirit of Temperance
- All defence powers are increased by X(Player Level*2) > X(Player Level*1)
- Increases maximum HP by 25% however not above 5k HP > Increases maximum HP by 20% (limited removed)
- Damage from critical hits is reduced by 15% > 5%
Spiritual Strength
- Water element is increased by X(Player Level*2) > X(PLayer Level*3)
- The damage from critical hits is increased by 15% > 10%
Important Note:
All durations are set to 600 seconds.
- Increased amount of Amulet Boxes from 5 to 15 on Prestige 9 Daily Quest. (3x P9 Raids Quest)
- Act 4 Ranking has been updated. (You still may see low numbers because it was bugged after A4 Kill/Death Reset)
- Fixed an issue, where you couldn't wear any partner card on Pur, Pir and Par. -
Benefit from the NosVoid Battle Pass Now !
Remember to run your game via VoidLauncher.exe for changes.
Enjoy many benefits and secure additional rewards with our new Battle Pass ! The current Battle Pass season runs from 12th April to 12th May.
What is Battle Pass?
With Battle Pass, you complete daily, weekly and seasonal challenges that earn you Battle Points. You can collect rewards for the points you earn. And everyone can benefit: Battle Pass activities and rewards are free for all players!
Free Rewards :- Eagle Wings
- Fibi
- Partner Card Random Box
- Specialist Change Item
- Potions
- and many more...
By the way: all rewards can be collected until 12th May.
How About the Premium Expansion?
If you decide to purchase the Premium Battle Pass, you can look forward to more and higher-value rewards. This feature is perfect for you if you want to get the most from the Battle Pass activities! Having Premium Battle Pass doesn't mean losing free Battle Pass rewards ! You can get rewards from both free and premium pass, enjoy the rewards.
The Premium Battle Pass of the current season costs 900 NosVoid Coins. You can buy Premium Battle Pass from our Item Shop! (Click here to go Item Shop)
Premium Rewards :- Retro Wings
- Gingerbread Partner Box
- Specialist Change Item
- Koala
- Potions
- Rewards with more amounts compared to free Battle Pass
- and many more...
Important informations :
- You can't pick premium rewards when you don't have Premium Bass. But you can get both free and premium rewards when you have access to the Premium Pass.
- Rewards from Battle Pass will be sent to the inventory, be sure that you have free slot for your rewards.
- You have to click on Claim after you are done with your task to receive your Battle Pass point.
- You can follow your Battle Pass points from the bar we have for BP.
- You have to claim points from quests as soon as you finish the quests, otherwise you won't be able to claim points when quests expire. (Ex. daily tasks.)
- Premium Battle Pass is assigned to the account, not the character. (If you change character, you will have same amount of rewards to get, quest, same progress...)Changes
- Changed Damage to Monsters increased by x% > Damage Increased in PvE by x%. in visual. (It was working like that since we fixed that effect.)
- Added Activity Points for the Asgobas Instant Combat. You now have to fight in Asgobas Event or you won't get any reward. (There's no damage requirement)
- Vessel Event has been removed. (We still have exchange NPC for accessories.)
- Decreased damage of pet and partners by 50%.
- Buffed HP of Asgobas Boss.
Ranking Wipes
- Wiped Reputation Ranking. All reputations are set to 500k. (Removed medals as well.) Rewards will be sent to gift boxes within 24 hours. (Only to 1-43 players.)
- Wiped Act4 Kill/Death Ranking.
- Wiped Arena Kill Ranking.
Caligor's Monthly Reward
- [REMOVED] Jinn's Specialist Partner Card
- [ADDED] Aegir, Freya & Barni Specialist Partner Card.
Removed following materials from inventories :
- Caligor's Necklace
- Conqueror's Flag
- Butcher's Soul-Spirit
- Broken Caligor's Horn -
- Added Accessory Raid : Mask and Jewel Box in Prestige 3 Accessory Raid, so you will get accessories and masks from box. (To not spam your inventory while opening raid boxes.)
- Replaced '' Movement speed is increased '' with Your specialist's elemental skill points are increased by 4. on the Sandstorm Slayer Title.
- Added a message as information of family cool-down after logging in the game.
- Buffed HP of mini Bosses from Prestige 8.2 WB.
- Added 120 min/max damage to the C70 Gun.
- Added Corrupt Shadow Tattoo Pattern into Tattoo Craft NPC.Paimon's Shadow Energy Tattoo Buff
- Fixed an issue, where you could get kicked from Rainbow Battle if you get killed from Seer Ult.
- Fixed an issue, where Vessel Hunter had wrong buff in visual.
- Fixed an issue, where Hawk Eye wasn't updated in visual.
- Fixed an issue, where Frenzy wasn't updated in visual.
Badge Changes
- Chance to heal 6% > 4% of your Max HP: 10%. (It was 10% in visual instead of the 6, we fixed visual and changed it to 4%.)Specialist Changes
Holy Bolt :
- Cool time from 5.5 seconds to 8 seconds
Magic Light Debuff :
- Removed "There is a 60% chance that every attack hits"
Triple Bolt :
- Cool time from 34 seconds to 10 seconds
Triple Bolt 1 :
- Cool time from 34 seconds to 10 seconds
Triple Bolt 2 :
- Cool time from 34 seconds to 10 seconds
The 1st Triple Charging :
- All attacks are increased by 15% > 30%
- Added "hitrate is increased by 150"
The 2nd Triple Charging :
- Added "hitrate is increased by 200"
The 3rd Triple Charging :
- All attacks are increased by 50% > 30%
- Added "hitrate is increased by 250"
Prayer of Defence :
- Increases Maximum HP by 15% > 20%
- Increases Maximum MP by 15% > 20%
Concentrated Power :
- Cool time from 120 seconds to 90 seconds
Sharp Edge :
- Changed buff duration to 5 minutes.
Waterfall Berserker
Waterfall Ire :
- Removed "when you use attack skills current HP is reduced by 1%"
Waterfall Anger :
- Removed "when you use attack skills current HP is reduced by 3%"
Waterfall Fury :
- Remove "when you use attack skills current HP is reduced by 2%"
Waterfall Frenzy :
- Melee attack are increased by 20% > 15%
Hawk Eye :
- Removed "Ranged attack power increases with the distance to the enemy"
- Added "No penalty for ranged attacks at close range"
Fire Mine :
- Added on the Fire Mines the debuff "Trap"
Miracle Cure :
- Added "Reduces cooldown of skills by 20%"
Fire Cannoner
Rocket Riding :
- Added "There is a 100% chance of causing Dark Dash"
Blue Mage
Blessing of Water :
- Add "Reduces critical damage received by 10%"
Frozen Shield :
- Duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds
Tide Lord
Song of the Sirens :
- Duration from 16 seconds to 6 seconds
- Remove "All elemental resistance is increased by X(Player Level/5).
- Added "All defences are decreased by 60%"Carve Runes Changes
Power of Regeneration 1:
- From Every 6 seconds:Restores 3% of max. HP (min. 100) -> to Every 6 seconds:Restores 2% of max. HP (min. 100)
Duration 12 seconds
Power of Regeneration 2:
- Every 6 seconds:Restores 3% of max. HP (min. 100) -> to Every 6 seconds:Restores 2% of max. HP (min. 100)
Duration 12 seconds
Power of Regeneration 3:
- Every 6 seconds:Restores 4% of max. HP (min. 100) -> to Every 6 seconds:Restores 2% of max. HP (min. 100)
Duration 18 seconds
Power of Regeneration 4:
- Every 6 seconds:Restores 4% of max. HP (min. 100) -> to Every 6 seconds:Restores 2% of max. HP (min. 100)
Duration 18 seconds
Power of Regeneration 5:
- Every 6 seconds:Restores 5% of max. HP (min. 100). -> to Every 5 seconds:Restores 3% of max. HP (min. 100)
Duration 15 seconds
Power of Regeneration 6:
Every 6 seconds:Restores 5% of max. HP (min. 100). -> to Every 5 seconds:Restores 3% of max. HP (min. 100)
Duration 20 seconds -
- Fixed an issue, where divisions from Rainbow Battle wasn't resetted. We changed divisions to the Bronze (from people who had last month' divisions.)
- Fixed an issue, where Increased damage to monsters : x%. shell effect wasn't working properly.
- Fixed an issue, where Rainbow Battle notify on the event-status channel wasn't working properly.
- Fixed an issue, where Equipment Protection Scroll wasn't working.