Posts by Nayla
- Resetted Rankings of Rainbow Battle, Act 4 and Raid.
- Buffed HP of Caligor.
- Fixed an issue, where defence on new Act4 Accessories wouldn't work properly.
- Fixed an issue, where Rainbow Battle and Asgobas Instant Combat webhooks wouldn't work properly. (Event status channel on discord.)Specialist Changes (Not updated in visual)
Hawk eye :
- Removed'' There is a 80% chance that every attack hits.
- Added '' Hit rate of all attacks increased by 750 ''
Waterfall Berserker
Waterfall Frenzy :
- Removed '' HP is increased by (missing HP/2)% of damage given.
- Added '' Restores HP equal to 15% of the damage inflicted (max 3000 per attack) '' -
Hello folks!
We will have a maintenance at 1st of April.
ETA between 1-3 hours.
When exactly?Saturday, April 1st at 11:00 am server time.
Maintenance Reason
Resetting Rankings of Rainbow Battle, Act4, Raid and some bug fixes
- You now don't need all team members to be able to surrender in Rainbow Battle. (For example if there are 5 people in team, only 3 enough to surrender.)
- Martial Artist now can wear Abyssal Eye Bandage A. (Was already done before maintenance.)
- Server Time has been changed to the GMT+2. (Was already done before maintenance.)
- Increased chance of getting Perfection Bag (SP10 perf) from Prestige 9 Raids.
- Decreased chance of getting Angel's Feathers from Prestige 9 Raids.
- Event status channel on the NosVoid Discord has been updated.
- We added two new NPC's where you can exchange 20x and 50x Perfection Items.
- Fixed an issue, where Provides a 70% chance of firing a magical arrow while attacking your enemy effect wasn't working properly on the Powerful Wish effect.
- Fixed an issue, where you couldn't open Skeleton Costume Chest. (Was already done before maintenance.)
- Fixed an issue, where you could see your own nick name on Friend-List chat whenever someone writes you.
- Fixed an issue, where Frontal Block skill wouldn't consume any points and trigger second buff.
- Fixed an issue, where Excess Fuel & Improved Excess Fuel wasn't working properly.
- Fixed an issue, where you could stun yourself by using Crumple Skill on MA SP10.Specialist Changes
Hawk Eye :
- There is a 95% > 80% chance that every attack hits.Carve Runes Changes
Lightning Power 5 :
Movement Speed is decreased by 3 > 4
All elemental resistance is decreased by 40 got replaced with Lightning resistance is decreased by 30
All elemental resistance is decreased by 30 > 20
Lightning Power 6 :
Movement Speed is decreased by 3 > 4
All elemental resistance is decreased by 40 got replaced with Lightning resistance is decreased by 40
Agility Power 5 :
Duration changed from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
Agility Power 6 :
Movement speed is increased by 3 > 2
All defences are increased by 10% > 15%
Duration changed from 15 seconds to 10 seconds. -
Hello folks!
We will have a maintenance at 28th of March.
There's no ETA.
When exactly?
Tuesday, March 28th at 11:00 pm server time.
Maintenance Reason
- Updating our Game Servers -
- Added a NPC near Sealed Vessel to exchange your Act4 Accessories with clean ones.
IMPORTANT : You have the put the accessory you want to exchange in 1st slot of your inventory.
- Fixed an issue, where Silver Ring had '' Maximum HP is increased by x '' instead of the MP.
- Fixed an issue, where Arcane Wisdom tattoo wasn't working properly.
- Fixed an issue, where you couldn't get buff from White Tiger Pet.
- Fixed an issue, where you couldn't trade Shiny Hat. -
Pity System
- Pity System has been implemented for following raid boxes : Draco, Glacerus, Zenas, Erenia, Carno, Kirollas and Laurena.
How does it works ?
- We will have counter after opening mentioned raid boxes. If you don't get any soul til 500 boxes, you will get one guaranteed after opening 500. box. But if you get a soul at counter of 200/500 for example, counter will be resetted back to 1/500.
P.S : Pity Counter works only for Souls ! (Not bodies)
- Added Journal of the Forgotten Hero D (1) on Satan's Lapdog drops. ($warp p4, 20-35H map.)
- You will no longer get Dragon Rock Fragment after completing Asgobas Instant Combat.
- Changed amount of Lost War Helmet from 5000 to 3000 while crafting I'm a Killer Title.
- Changed amount of Lost War Helmet from 3000 to 500 while crafting God of War Title.
- You will now get only one Golden Medal after winning Rainbow Battle.
- Added '' No Defence Possible '' on Caligor boss, so you won't miss.
- Made that Prestige 4 World Boss will not move from now on.
- Nerfed HP of Kertos' Shadow from Kertos Raid.
- You can now trade Jinn Specialist Partner Card.
- Fixed an issue, where Explosion Power (Level 6) had different duration than it's supposed to. (8 seconds the correct duration)
- Fixed an issue, where Gun, Crossbow & Dagger Curses would appear on the defence instead of the attack.
- Fixed an issue, where Powerful Wish, from Jinn PSP would appear on the defence instead of the attack.
- Fixed an issue, where Arcane Wisdom tattoo wasn't working properly on the secondaries.
Buff Changes
# I'm a Killer
- Attack Powers are increased by 7% > 15% in Act 4.
- All defences are increased by 7% > 15% in Act 4.
# God of War
- Attack Powers are increased by 4% > 10% in Act 4.
- All defences are increased by 4% > 10% in Act 4.
- Added '' When you finish Act 4 and Caligor Raid you have 4% chance to get additional box. ''Specialist Changes
Specialist Changes
Wind Walker :
- Movement speed is increased by3> 2.
Fire Shotgun :
- Cool time changed from 0,8 seconds to 0,3 seconds.
Haste :
- Added ''Dodge is increased by 150''
Fire Mine :
- Minis will now have 80% chance to apply debuff Weaken Defence Power
Poison Gas :
- From ''All defence powers are decreased by 100'' to '' All Defence level are decreased by 2''
- From ''Receives a critical hit with the chance of 35% > 20% ''
The 2nd Poison Gas :
- Added '' In Raid all enemy's resistances are decreased by 25% 'Wild Keeper
Elemental Leech :
- Receives critical hit with the chance of 30% > 20%
- Added '' All Defence level are decreased by 1 ''
- Removed '' All elemental resistance is decreased by 70.
'' - Added '' There's a 100% chance to apply Snake's Bite.
'' Snake's Bite :
- In raid all elemental resistance is decreased by 70.
- In raid all damage taken are increased by 10%.
- Enemy's HP are decreased by 1000 HP every 2 seconds.
Eagle Spirit : -
- Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 5% > 10%
- Hit rate of all attacks is increased by 90 > 150
Boomerang Throw :
- Cool time decreased from 32 seconds to 15 seconds.
Beast Claw :
- Cool time decreased from 25 seconds to 12 seconds.
Ivy :
- Cool time decreased from 60 seconds to 40 seconds.
Forest Power
- Cool time is decreased from 110 seconds to 80 seconds.
Fire Cannoner
Hand Grenade :
- Removed ''20% chance of causing Great Explosive Shockwave ''
- Added '' There is a 50% chance of causing Heavy Bleeding ''
Signal Rocket :
- Removed '' There is a 25% chance of causing Great Explosive Shockwave ''
- Added '' There's a 70% chance of causing Incapacitated ''
Blinded :
- Removed '' All Hit rate are decreased by 300 ''
- Added '' the effect duration for a meele attack is increased by 150 ''
- Added '' the effect duration for a mage attack is increased by 150 ''
- Duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
Demon Hunter
Spirit Summons :
- There's a 30% > 70% chance of causing Hand of Death.
- Cool Time changed from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
Spirit Explosion :
- There's a 30% > 70% chance of causing Paralysis.
Vengeful spirit Onslaught :
- Removed '' There's a 30% chance of causing Deadly Blackout ''
Vengeful Spirit Rain :
- Removed '' There's a 40% chance of causing Blackout ''
- Added '' There's a 55% chance of causing Gunshot Wound ''
Gunshot wound :
- Movement speed is decreased by 4 > 2
- Damage from critical hits is increased by 50% > 20%
- Duration Time changed from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
Bullet Storm :
- There's a 3% > 25% chance of causing Gunshot Wound
Break Defensive Weapon :
- All defence power are decreased by 200 got replaced with All defence level are decreased by 3.
Battle Monk
Spirit of Enlightenment :
- Increased PvP Attack Power by 14% > 9%
- Reduces damage received in PvP by 14% > 9% -
Caligor Changes
- Important Change : Activity System has been added to the Caligor. You have to participate in fight (get 3 kills +/-) OR hit to the caligor, or you won't get a single reward ! (You don't have to do both activities, only one enough.)
P.S : There's no damage requirement to get the reward. You just have to hit caligor few times.
- Added an information of NosVoid Wiki whenever you log into the game. (Will appear on game chat.)
- Special Exp Boost : Increases champion/combat experience received by 150% > 200%.
- Disabled mounting while being transformed into the Leopard of SP5 Ma.
- Changed the way you farming Specialist 2. (It's now same as SP3 & 4.)
- Fixed an issue, whereThere is a 100% chance that every attack hits
(buff of Eagle Wings) wasn't working properly on the mage class.
- Fixed an visual issue on Power of Unyielding, Power of Resistance, Power of Purity, Blood Drain Carve Runes.
- Fixed an issue, where you couldn't use Soul Spider skill in arena & Act4.
- Fixed an issue, where Dash Skills were bugging on the few martial artist SPs.
- Fixed an issue, where Lotus's skill wasn't working properly. (It works on attack)
- Fixed an issue, where Shinobi's Skill wasn't working properly.
Buff Changes
Battle Monk
Spirit of Temperance :
All defences are increased by20%> 15%
Agility Power lvl 5:Added All defence are increased by 10%
Agility Power lvl 6:
Added All defence are increased by 15%
Freya's Fire Skill
Maternal Love :
Changed duration from 180 seconds to 15 seconds.
Movement speed is increased by3> 1
Mother's Wisdom
Magic attack power is increased by 200 > 100.
Removed '' Movement speed is increased by 1. '' -
- Added Caligor at 11 AM Server Time. (We added cause of asian people wasn't able to join rest caligors at all.)
- Added $wings eagle command. (You need to have Change Wings item to use it.)
- Fixed an issue, where partner specialist skills would still get resetted after changing a map. -
Hey folks,
We're planning a fishing event on March 18. (Saturday, 5PM Server Time.)
How's it working and what are the rules?
- Weโll choose a fishing map and a legendary fish of which you need to fish the biggest one
- Event will last one hour โ thatโs the time every player has to catch the largest fish and send a screenshot on the corresponding discord channel (will be created day of event)
- Maximum time difference between catching a fish and uploading the screenshot is 60 seconds
- You can only send one screenshot (so if you catch the given fish, you need to decide if you wanna gamble for bigger one or not)
- Your screenshot needs to show date, time, catched fish with size and ingame name
- You can only participate with one account
And what will be the rewards?
- 1.500 Coins & Master Bunny (Shadow Version) for 1st place
- 1.000 Coins & Master Bunny (Not shadow version, you have to use Shadow Evo) for 2nd place
- 500 Coins & Master Bunny (Not shadow version, you have to use Shadow Evo) for 3rd place
We will announce the channel, the fish map and the legendary fish 10 minutes before the event will start. You donโt need to register โ just be on map at event start. (NosVille) -
- Choir of Angels : Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by15%> 5%.
- Lightning Wings : When you're defending, there is a7%> 5% chance of inflicting Electric Shock on your opponent.
- Fixed an issue, where Raptor' Blessing would give different effect than Raptor's Speed.
- Fixed an issue, where you could get disconnect after dying in the arena.
- Fixed an issue, where joining Rainbow Battle wasn't possible for some players. (Remember there's still posibility of not getting a team.)
- Fixed an issue, where During attack in raid there is a chance to do addinitional x% of your damage : x% buff would also work in PvP. (It wont work in PvP anymore.)
- Fixed an issue, where God of Angel raid quest wasn't counting.
Specialist Changes
Critical Hit :
- Increased buff duration from 50 seconds to 300 seconds.
Berserker buff :
- Increased buff duration from 60 seconds to 300 seconds.
Battle Monk
Divided Sea :
- Removed '' There's a 10% chance of Energy Deficiency ''
- Added '' There's a 30% chance of causing Trauma ''
Targeted Stab :
- There's a 30% > 75% chance of causing Severe Trauma.
Mighty Hurricane :
- Removed '' There's a 40% chance of causing Strong Energy Deficiency ''
- Added '' There's a 50% chance of causing Electric Shock ''
- Meele attack is increased by440> 650
- Water element is increased by330> 750
Cyclone :
- There's a 35% > 75% chance of causing Strong Energy Deficiency.
Strong Energy Deficiency :
- Duration changed from 2 seconds to 4 seconds.
Dragon Spear :
- Removed '' There is a 60% chance of causing Energy Deficiency ''
- Meele attack is increased by600> 950
Spiral Spear :
- There is a30%> 40% chance of causing Critical Trauma.
Spirit of Enlightenment :
- Increased PvP attack Power by X(Player Level/10)% to by X(Player Level/7)%
- Reduces damage received in PvP by X(Player level/10)% to by X(Player Level/7)%
Spirit of Temperance :
- All defence powers are increased by X(Player Level*1) to (Player Level *2)
- Removed '' All elemental resistance is increased by 5 ''
- Damage from critical hits is reduced by10%> 15%
- All defences are increased by10%> 20%
Spiritual Strenght :
- Removed '' Meele attack is increased by 75 ''
- Added '' Critical damage is increased by 15% ''
- Increases PvP Attack Power by10%> 15%
Dragon Harpoon :
- Removed '' There's a 50% chance of causing Dragon Spear ''
- There's a20%> 50% chance of causing Internal Injury 3rd Degree. -
- Now cooldowns in the arena will be resetted when a player dies.
- Made some changes to improve high-damages on the server.
- Fixed an issue, where you would be in enemy's faction until you get out of Act4 after exiting the Caligor from wrong side.
- Fixed an issue, where you could abuse potions with going into Miniland of another player in the Act4. (You can't go in Miniland of your friend from now on.)
- Fixed an issue, where partner skills' could get resetted whenever you use unstuck. (Like in Act4 for yuna bug :D)
- Fixed an issue, where Rainbow Battle Matchmaking were broken and you could get unfair amount of teams. (Example 4v3...)
- Fixed an issue, where Family Tower Quest wasn't working properly on the Weekly BP Task.
Specialist Changes
Death Reaper
Slasher :
- Cool Time from 6 seconds to 15 seconds.
- There's a15%> 75% chance of causing Wound in a sensitive Spot
Wound in a Sensitive Spot :
- Duration from 30 seconds to 15 seconds.
Death Approaches :
- There's a40%> 100% chance of causing Death Approaches
Infinite Armour :
- All defences are increased by10%> 15%
- Added Hit rate of all attacks are increased by 250.
Reaper's Scythe :
- Cool Time from 23 seconds to 20 seconds.
- There's a30%> 50% chance of causing Mark of Death
Strong Spiritual Release :
- Reduces cooldown of skills by50%> 75%.
Spirit Splitter :
- Meele Attack is increased by 600 > 950
- Removed Break Defensive Weapon debuff.
- Added Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 30%.
Ignition :
- Removed ''Shadow element is increased by X(Player Level/9)''
- Removed ''Ranged attack is increased by X (Player Level*2)''
- Added Hit rate of all attacks are increased by 250.
Reignition :
- Removed Dark Dash.
Double Ripper :
- Added '' There's a 100% chance of causing Dark Dash ''
Dark Dash :
- Movement speed is increased by7> 5
- Duration from 3 to 4 seconds
Short Blackout :
- Duration from 2 to 3 seconds.
Triple Slash :
- Added '' There's a 30% chance of causing Triple Slash 2''
Whirldwind :
- Meele attack is increased by 250 > 650.
- There is a20%> 35% chance of causingBlackout> Knockdown.
Provoke :
- Added '' There is a 90% chance of causing Electric Shock. ''
Finishing Blow 1 :
- Added '' Chance of inflicting a critical hit is increased by 15% ''
Shoulder Charge :
- There is a 80% chance of causingBlackout> Knockdown
Morale Increase :
- To all of its effect, made it from 99 to 200. (hitrate, defence, attack, dodge)
Intimidate :
- Cooldown from 120 seconds to 30 seconds.
- If you taunt an opponent that has a Knockdown, there is a 100% chance that Enormously Shaky Status will occur.
- If you taunt an opponent in a normal status, there is a 100% chance that Shaky Status will occur. -
Hello folks!
We will have a maintenance at 11th of March.
ETA between 1 - 2 hours.
When exactly?
Saturday, March 11st at 00:15 Server Time.
Maintenance Reason
- Bug Fixes
- Balance Patch
- Specialist Changes -
- Removed Your specialist's overall skill points are increased by 4. from Queen of Ice & King of Freeze Titles.
- Added description for Raid Tickets since many people had no idea about where to use them.
- You can now sell your Prestige 9 Accessories for 150.000.000 (150kk) to the any NPC's.
- Removed Jinn Specialist Partner Card from Talent Arena Random Box 2.
- Special Shell weapon now will have S-PvP bonus x2.
- Added God of Void Buff changer to the NosVoid Mall. (Click here to go Item Shop.)
- Fixed an issue, where close all button wasn't working properly on NosBazaar. [IMPORTANT : Delete your NosVoid.exe and then re-update the VoidLauncher.exe if it's still doesn't work]
Caligor Monthly Reward Changes
[REMOVED] Baby Panda
[ADDED] Jinn Partner Card
# Jinn Partner Card Buffs
- All attacks are increased by 15%.
- Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 15.
- Movement speed is increased by 1.
- There is a 7% chance of causing Powerful Wish
Powerful Wish :
- The equipped fairy's element increases by 20.
- Provides a 60% chance of firing a magical arrow while attacking your enemy.
- Damage in Raids is increased by 20%.
Act4 Kills (Monthly) Quest has been reseted. Following materials are removed from inventories :
- Butcher's Soul-Spirit
- Broken Caligor's Horn
- Conqueror's Flag
- Caligor's Necklace
Specialist Changes
Ranger :
Screw Bolt
- There is a40%> 30% chance of causing Freeze.
- There is a60%> 50% chance of causing Freeze.
Dark Gunner :
Curse Blitz
- CD from 34 seconds to 25 seconds
Ghost Guard
- Movement speed is increased by2> 3
Dark Force
- All attacks are increased by 200 replaced to All attacks are increased by 15%.
- CD from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
Ghost Recharge
- CD from 35 seconds to 30 seconds.
Evil Potion
CD from 90 seconds to 60 seconds.
- CD from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
Ghost Invasion
- CD from 120 seconds to 65 seconds.
- Ranged attack increased from 1500 to 1200.
- There is a 60% > 90% chance of causing Plage. -
Hello folks!
We will have a maintenance at 8th of March.
ETA between 1 - 2 hours.
When exactly?
Wednesday, March 8th at 11pm server time.
Maintenance reason
- Bug Fixes.
- Overall Changes.
- Specialist Changes.
- God of Void Buff changer item.
- New Monthly Caligor reward. -
- Removed Rocketeer Costume Set, Valehir's Pet, Alzanor's Pet and Asgobas' Pet from Asgobas Lottery Box.
- Added Christmas Partner Card Random Box and Rocketeer Costume Set Random Box in Asgobas Lottery Box.
- Replaced '' MP is reduced by 2000 '' with '' No defence possible '' on Wand Curse.
- Replaced '' Damage is increased in Asgobas Instant Combat '' with '' The Equipped fairy's element increases by x.'' on Prestige 9 Heavenly Weapon Skins.
- Fixed an issue where Daily Battle Pass Task had '' Wedding Costume Raid '' instead of Glacerus. (You will get 30 points from that task as compensation, since we also had issue with Tower Task back then.)
Prestige 9 Accessory Buff Changes
Temporary changes, we are working to improve Raid DMG, you may expect another changes in next days.
Dragon Crystal Bracelet :- All attacks are increased by 15%.
- Meele def is increased by 80
- HP are increased by 5000.Heavenly Ring :
- All defences are increased by 15%.
- Ranged defence is increased by 80.
- MP are increased by 5000.Dragon Necklace :
- All defence are increased by 10%.- All attacks are increased by 10%.
- Magic def is increased by 80.
C70 Secondary Changes
Draconian Crossbow :
There is a 5% chance of receiving Crossbow Curse.
Crossbow Curse :
Ranged attacks are increased by 15%.
Draconian Dagger :
There is a 5% chance of receiving Dagger Curse.
Dagger Curse :
Meele attacks are increased by 15%.
Draconian Spell Gun :
There is a 5% chance of receiving Gun Curse.
Gun Curse :
Ranged attacks are increased by 15%. -
Cooking and fishing event
Fishing Event:
- Increases the XP on Angler SP while fishing by 50%.
Cooking Event:
- Cooking experience gain is increased by 50%.
Event Period:
48 hours.
We are looking for new Content Creators ! Do you enjoy doing contents on Twitch & YouTube ? You can also get rewards while doing that.
We have 6 special rankings, monthly payments and giveaway coupons for our Content Creators.
What are you waiting for ? Click here to check our rules, rewards and everything related to our Content Creator System. -
- You can now get Raid Tickets (3x) after completing Prestige 9 Raids.
- Lord Draco mechanics has been removed. (Ex. jumping skill...)
- Fire Dragon, Ice Dragon, Moonlight Dragon and Sky Dragon Energies are added in Useful Stuff NPC. (Bitoren Tundra)
You can exchange...
- Lord Morcos' Essence (3x) and Fafnir' Teeth (1x) for 2x Fire Dragon Energy.
- Lady Calvinas' Essence (3x) and Fafnir' Teeth (1x) for 2x Ice Dragon Energy.
- Baron Berios' Essence (3x) and Fafnir' Teeth (1x) for 2x Sky Dragon Energy.
- Lord Hatus Essence (3x) and Fafnir' Teeth (1x) for 2x Moonlight Dragon Energy.
- Fixed an issue, where you could have 0 HP in Rainbow Battle. -
Double XP
Whether you're busy smashing monsters or hammering through
quests, you'll learn double the experience doing both. You'll also benefit from double champion and job experience.Period
Enabled for 48 hours.