- Official Post
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't enter Fairy Exp Map as Prestige 1.
- Nerfed HP of Instant Battle Boss.
- Deleted Frozen Swordfish, Octobow, Coral Wand and Lobster Claw from player inventories.
- Deleted Oto-Fox Costume Set from player inventories.
Infinity Battle Changes
General Changes
- Added [Guide] Infinity Tower Book to the NosVoid Guides Npc.
- Updated the map where Infinity Battle Tower entrance is placed.
- Updated description of Infinity Battle materials.
- You can now get Fairy Gem at floors 805, 830, 855 and 880 completions.
- Adjusted buffs of Infinity Tower Wings.
- Switched the Damage Values on Equipments of Infinity Battle (First lower ~ Higher Value)
- Adjusted buffs of Tunic of Eternal Mobility
Dodge increased from 645 to 700
"All defences are increased by (floor level x10) in Infinity Tower" increased to "All defences are increased by (floor level x15) in Infinity Tower"
All Elemental Resistances 15 increased to 20
Added new ''Infinity Guard'' Npc, you can craft following items:
- Infinity Starter (Fire)
- Infinity Starter (Water)
- Infinity Starter (Light)
- Infinity Starter (Shadow)
- [PvE] Evolve Fairy
- [Raid] Evolve Fairy
- Underwater Weapon Chest
Additionally, there's exchange option on that npc where you can exchange 3x Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity with 1x Celestial Steel Ingot, 1x Starlight Alloy, 1x Eternal Steel Plate, 1x Ethereal Wood, 1x Shadow Essence, 1x Evasive Silk, 1x Stardust Crystal, 1x Astralium Barrel, 1x Starcloth,1x Astral Essence, 1x Celestial Medallion and 1x Astral Silk.
You can now evolve your Infinity Tower fairies and receive additional buffs!
You can craft evolve items with 1x Infinity Breath. At floors 800, 825, 850, 875 completions, you can get Infinity Breath.
P.S: There's chance to obtain double Infinity Breath and Fairy Gem with the newly added shop items. You can find ''There is a x% chance that the rewards you get from Infinity Tower are doubled'' buff from the Oto-Fox Costume and Premium Tower Skins.
- PVE Evolve Fairy
- PVE Damage is increased by 25%
- Double drop by monsters 5%
- Double drop in Infinity Tower 7%
- Raid Evolve Fairy
- Raid Damage is increased by 30%
- Your specialist's elemental skill points are increased by 1.
Infinity Battle Shop Update
- Added Oto-Fox Costume Set in Fortune Wheel.
- Added [Premium] Ring of Infinity's Embrace Random Box (Shop), [Premium] Bracelet of Infinite Enchantment Random Box (Shop), [Premium] Necklace of Eternal Nexus Random Box (Shop) and [Premium] Underwater Weapon Chest Random Box (Shop) in weekly box rotation.