- New
- Official Post
- Added Up to level 4 there is a x% chance of never getting bad effect, Damage in PvE is increased, Probability to receive critical hits decreased and Damage from critical hits decreased buffs to the Character Info.
- Added Advanced Mounts 2 NPC, you can find new 36 speed version mounts.
- Removed Family Blessing 3 and 7 Buffs.
- Reworked Family Blessing 5 Buff:
- Increases Gold earned by 10%.
- Increases fame received by 10%.
- Damage in Towers is increased by 30%.
- There is a 5% chance of getting additional box from World Boss.
- When raid is finished, there's a 5% chance that box drops second time.
Star Changes
- We've replaced non-working effects with the new ones.
- Renamed '' All attacks are increased by x '' to the '' Enhanced Damage is increased by x ''
- Blackout โ Now increases attack power in Act 4 (2%, 4%, 7%, 10%, 15%).
- Freeze โ Now increases damage in raids (2%, 4%, 7%, 10%, 15%).
- Deadly Blackout โ Now increases damage in PvE (2%, 4%, 7%, 10%, 15%).
- Minor Bleeding โ Now grants a chance for monsters to drop an item twice when hunted (1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, 7%).
- Bleeding โ Now grants a chance for raid boxes to drop twice when a raid is completed (1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, 7%).
- Heavy Bleeding โ Now increases damage to stone-type monsters (10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 70%).
P.S.: Damage to Plans, Animals, Enemy, Undead, Small Monsters and Big Monsters currently doesn't work and work in progress!
- Small Open Wound โ Now increases magic damage in raids (2%, 4%, 7%, 10%, 15%).
- Open Wound โ Now increases ranged damage in raids (2%, 4%, 7%, 10%, 15%).
- Blackout โ Now increases melee damage in raids (2%, 4%, 7%, 10%, 15%).
- Deadman's Hand โ Now increases all elemental resistances (2%, 4%, 7%, 10%, 15%).
- Frozen โ Now increases all defenses (5, 7, 10, 15, 20).
- Blinded โ Now increases fame received (2%, 4%, 7%, 10%, 15%).
- Spasm โ Now reduces damage taken from critical hits (1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%).
- Weak Armour โ Now increases all defenses in Act 4 (2%, 4%, 7%, 10%, 15%).
- Shock โ Now grants a chance to receive an additional box after completing Act 4 and Caligor Raid (1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, 7%).
- Paralysis โ Now grants a chance to receive an additional box from World Bosses (1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, 7%).
You will also have more chance to hit following effects when upgrading with Premium Star Scroll:
- Enhanced Damage
- Damage in Raids
- Damage in PvE
- All Attacks increased
- All Defences increased
- Crit Chance
- Crit Damage
- PvP Damage
- Reduced Damage in PvP
- Melee Damage in Raids
- Ranged Damage in Raids
- Magic Damage in Raids
- Melee Defence Flat
- Ranged Defence Flat
- Magic Defence Flat
- Melee Defence %
- Ranged Defence %
- Magic Defence %
- Reduced Damage in PvP
- Reduced incoming Crit Damage
- Reduced received critical hit chance
- Max HP
- All defences in A4
- All defences flat
- Reduces Critical Damage
- Crit Chance
- Damage in Raids
- Damage in PvE
- HP Increase
- PvP Damage
- Melee Defence Flat
- Ranged Defence Flat
- Magic Defence Flat
- Dodge